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Login Two-factor Authentication                                                                    

Two-factor authentication is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to StaffScheduleCare only after successfully presenting two pieces of evidence.

The two layers of authentication is the SSC User ID and password followed by presenting an authentication code sent to a previously provided email address, telephone number or text to their cell phone.

The system will send the authentication code using one of three methods: SMS (text message), Phone (to phone number provided) or to an email address provide in their profile.

C1.a Browser & Login See Section on Two-factor Authentication - for Logging in.

C10.48 Login and Password for configuration.



Active Schedule Update from Master

The Active Schedule has the option to allow an Update From Master action to be ran for an individual employee. To update multiple employees at once use the Update From Master option.

The employee must be assigned to a Master Schedule line. You may update the employee's Active Schedule in week intervals. i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.

C3.a.17 - Active - Individual Quick Update from Master



Access to Time Bank configuration From Time Bank Update Screen

The Show Me button has been implemented beside the Time Bank drop-down field.

Click on the three-dot button to open the configuration setup for the bank displayed in the field.



Termination Date added to the Employee Modify screen.

This is to allow the user to be able to enter a specific Termination Date. The Termination field is active only if the STATUS field is changed, otherwise the use does not have access.

C6.3 - Personnel - Add Edit Employees See section on Changing employee status.



Employee Name and Address screen – New Middle Name Field

Employee Profile now has a new field - Middle name. The maximum characters allowed is 25.



Reports. Mass Messaging - move Response field

The Response Text field now displays below the Validation field to allow for lengthy messages when using Mass Messaging Lite.



Shift within a Self Scheduling Period

When there are bids for a shift in a Self Scheduling period, the Update From Master cannot be run for those Master lines and those dates.  

This can be resolved by booking an employee into the shift or delete the shift from the Daily Schedule and run the Update From Master with Restore Deleted Shifts turned on.      

C3.a.10 - Active - Updating from Master Schedule



Time Bank Report. Develop with Special CSV version

Maybe used with both Standard and OESA Banks.

Time Bank Reports Library



Time Bank - Update Process Options

This change allows for more flexibility when rolling over standard and OESA Time Banks. For Banks that uses both values and require both to be rolled at the same time, both options can be turned on at once.



Assign Hours & Birthday Calculation - Rule Setup

Created / modify Calculation Rules for Assign Hours and Birthday calculations. Also, a new Pay OT if Applicable option has been added to the Options section.

Calculation Rule Setup



Update From Master Schedule Enhanced

This method of updating from the Master Schedule allows you to see what will be updated before running the process. It is recommended not to switch between the two methods of Update From Master.

The report Preview button provides a list of the employees and unfilled lines selected to be updated.

C3.a.8 - Active - Updating from Master Schedule Enhanced



TOR Requests canceled days – available in Wizard for absenteeism   

If an employee submits a TOR for a range of dates and cancels a part of the request, the canceled day(s) can be used in the Wizard. The entire TOR does not need to be canceled. If the original Attendance Code from the request is still present on the employee's schedule, then the duplicate warning will appear if they select the date. If they select dates where the AC has been removed, then no warning appears.



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Wizard - Unfilled Shifts – Able to Change Shift Complements. i.e., Day Code, Class.

Task Scheduler - Blank Screen if Report Details was Opened.

Individual Active Schedule Report - Show Future Master Schedule.

Payroll Interface - option Email Export File will not enable.

Time Off Rules – Union Visibility.

Exception menu - Employee panel opens twice first load.

Task Scheduler - Blank Screen if Report Details was opened and user navigates back to Task Scheduler.

Reports. Columns option - now able to reorder columns using drag and drop.

Security User Setup - Screen no long jumps when using the scroll wheel in the drop-downs.

Individual Active Schedule Report - Show Future Master Schedule option functioning.

Time Bank - OESA Banks - Attendance Tab

Wage Progression Report - Internal exception error resolved.

Wizard - Unfilled Shifts - able to change shift complements.

Time Off Rules - Union field now displays.

TOR Requests and the ability to use that DAY for another AC

Mass Messaging Lite - Employee List Filter

Attachments – Added scroll bars to the folder and attachment sections



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