
Update From Master - Enhanced

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Update From Master - Enhanced

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Update From Master - Enhanced

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This method of updating from the Master Schedule allows you to see what will be updated before running the process.

The report Preview button provides a list of the employees and unfilled lines selected to be updated.


The system will perform a catch up function. If the employee's Schedules Updated to date is before the first date of the specified range, the system will also updated the Active

Schedule from the Schedules Update to date to the first date of the range. This feature can be turned off in the Company Profile / Schedules / General tab by ticking ON the Remove Catch Up Period check box.


To use the Update From Master Schedule Enhanced method it must be enabled on the Company Profile.


Select the Configuration menu.

Select the Setup menu.

Select Company Profile.

Select Schedules.

Select General.


On the General screen tick on the Enable UFM Preview check box.


UFM - Co Profile enable preview



Update From Master Option


Select the Schedules Tools menu.

Select the Update From Master menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Update From Master



The Update From Master (UFM) Enhanced screen is three sections. You can select employees who are assigned to Master lines and/or Unfilled Master lines.

On the left select the Updating options. i.e., the date range. Once you have setup a setting you may save it for future use.


UFMH - Preview main screen




Unfilled Lines (3)

This section lists all Master Lines that have a count number that is greater than the booked number (employees assigned to the line).

Selecting a line in the Unfilled Lines will only updated the Daily with the unfilled line. It does not update the booked employees on this line. To update the employees' lines, they must be selected in the employee section.

As lines are selected the Selected number at the top right of the section will increase as it will also decrease if lines are deselected.


UFMH - Group lines


Group Lines

Selecting the Group Lines option will group the unfilled lines together based on the grouping code assigned in the Master Schedule group column.

To select a group, click on the group header check box.

UFMH - Grouped lines

With the Group option enabled, you may collapse or expand the groups using the icons located beside the Group option.

UFMH - exp collapse groups



Employee(s) (2)

The Employee(s) section lists all employees who are assigned a Master Line. For easy reference their Master Line name is shown immediately to the right of the employee's name.

As employees are selected the Selected number at the top right of the section will increase as it will also decrease if employees are deselected.



Select Employee

to select a specific employee, click on the check box beside their name.

To select all employees, click on the Select all check box. Untick the Select All check box to clear all selections.


UFMH - Employee section


Unassigned Employees - Without Master Lines

This allows employees without a Master Line to be included as part of the UFM or done individually.

The UFM will update their Schedule Updated to date.


Select Groups of Employees

Use the Group By option to group by facility, department, or class. You may select more than one group to get sub-grouping. i.e., department and the class within departments.

Clicking on the Department check box will select all employees in classes in the department.

Use the Expand / Collapse buttons to view the Groups.


Group by example:

If Department 013 is selected, then all of the employees in the classes under department 013 will be selected.

If Class PSW under Department 013 is selected, then only the employees in that class are selected.


UFMH - Employee group by grouping



Filter list of Employee(s)

To filter the Employee section, click on the Funnel icon.

In the Filter Employee(s) by window, click on the Add Filter button.

You may add multiple filters. With each filter you will reduce the number of employees shown in the Employee(s) panel.


UFMH - Add Filter




Show Update Settings

Select the Update Settings option to set the date range you would like to update the Active Schedule for.

You may select a Period range, i.e., current month. Use the arrows to move forward/backward in time.

To do a specific range, use the User Defined option.

Whichever method you use, the corresponding Start / End dates will be displayed in the Select Dates fields.


UFMH - Enh Update settings


Update TSR Only

Will only update employees on Temporary Shift Replacement.


Include Census and Update Census Only (Option only available with Census option on)

They are used if you are using the Census configuration and Census Daily Entry menus for scheduling.


Restore Deleted Shifts

This option applies to booked shifts only. Any deleted unfilled shifts will be restored regardless Restore Deleted check box is ON or OFF.


Mark unbooked schedule as Block

For Block Booking only.





Show Print Settings

The system will provide a post processing report.

Use the options on the Print Settings section to define what you would like included on the report.


UFMH - Print settings



Click on the drop-down arrow and select columns to a maximum of six. Use drag and drop to arrange the order.


Group By

You use up to three levels of grouping. i.e., Department, Class, and Unit.

Click on the check box on the right of the level for page break.


Print Sequence

The default for the print sequence is by employee. Click on the drop-down arrow and select from other available sequences.






You may use a saved setting or create a new one. After making your selections be sure do a Preview.

In the example below we are updating three employees and one unfilled line.


UFMH - sample settings


There are two steps to performing an update from master.


1. Preview your selection(s)

2. Process






UFMH - Preview button


Click on the Preview icon on the toolbar. This will open a report showing you the employees and/or the unfilled lines you have selected.

Two sections are provided, the employees and the unfilled lines selected. Review these closely to ensure you have what you require.

Review the date range to ensure it is correct.


You may repeat the preview step as many times as needed until you have defined who and/or which lines should be updated.

The system will not update the Active at this step.


UFMH - Sample preview report






With your selections complete you can now update the Active Schedule.

When the update is complete employees Schedule Update Date on the Employee Profile will be changed to the last date of your range.


Click on the Process icon on the toolbar.


UFMH - Process button


Click Yes to continue or No to return to the UFM screen.


UFMH - continue


When the processing is complete, a post processing report will be displayed.

In this example all schedules and lines were successfully updated.


UFMH - Process ok report


In this example there was an exception and is provided for you to review. The employee was updated for all shifts except the shift for April 7.


UFMH - sample additional info


To avoid having gaps in employees' Active Schedules, the system will back fill from their last Schedule Update Date to the start date of this update request.


UFMH - from last update date


Note the Addition Information. The employee's schedule was update from April 1 even though we requested April 10.

This is to avoid gaps in the Active Schedule where the schedule was not updated. This is the Catch Up feature, you may turn it off so the update is only the date range specified.


Navigate to Config / Setup / Company Profile / Schedules / General. Access to this will be based on your Security Access.


Unticked – the system will do the catch-up from Schedules Updated to date to the first day of the range.

Ticked – System will only update for the specified range, starting with the first date even if there will be a gap.


UFMH - Catch Up setup





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