
Daily Schedule - Attendance Code Grid

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Daily Schedule - Attendance Code Grid

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Daily Schedule - Attendance Code Grid

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The Daily Schedule can be configured to display a grid which allows Attendance Codes to be added, modified, or deleted directly from the Daily Schedule main menu.


Validation rules will apply to the changes and are reflected immediately on the Time Card and the Active Schedule.

Managers can see anyone who is currently assigned an Attendance Code on this day.

Employees with a Show on Schedule Attendance Code are displayed on a grid in the lower section of the Daily Schedule.






To configure the new Daily Schedule Attendance Code grid there are two new configuration requirements.


1.Company Profile (Global setting)

Select the Config menu.

Select the Setup menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Config Setup


Select Company Profile.

Select Schedules.

Select General.


Click on the Show Attend. grid On Daily Schedules check box.


DSH - AC Grid Co Pro setup



2.Schedules Option (user level on or off)


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Daily menu.


HTML5 - Navigate - Schedules Daily



Select the Schedule Options icon.


DSH - daily options icon


Click on the Daily tab.

Click on the Show Attend. grid on Daily Schedules check box.

Click Apply.


DSH - options show attend grid


The Attendance grid will be displayed at the bottom of the Daily Schedule main screen.


DSH - AC grid




Add Attendance Code


To add an Attendance Code to an employee, click on the Plus icon on the Attendance Code Grid.

This will open the Employee Panel, select the employee, click Apply.

A new line will appear at the bottom of the grid with the name of the employee that was selected.

If the new Attendance Code unbooks an employee from their shift, the shift will appear in the Daily Schedule.


DSH - AC Grid new line


Click in the fields and select from the drop-down lists provided. Populate the fields as required.

Click on the SAVE button when complete.


DSH - populate AC grid line





Modify Attendance Code


The Attendance Code grid can be used to modify an existing Attendance Code.

Click on the row you would like to modify so it highlighted blue.

Click in the field that you would like to modify. You may change the Attendance Code.


DSH - AC Grid Modify





Delete Attendance Code


The Attendance Code grid can be used to delete existing Attendance Code.

Click on the row you would like to delete so it highlighted blue.

Click on the red X.


The system will warn you that this is a permanent deletion.

Click Yes to continue.


HTML - Warning Delete permanent



Deleting an Attendance Code will not replace the original shift. The shift must be either manually added or use the Update From Master.

Example: this employee has a shift on May 20.

DSH - AC Grid - existing shift

Using the Daily Attendance Code grid; the SICK code was added for May 20.

The shift has been unbooked when the Attendance Code was added.

DSH - AC Grid - AS shows AC

After deleting the Attendance Code, the employee’s schedule is blank. The original shift was not replaced.


DSH - AC Grid - blank AS



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