
Daily Schedule - Create Custom View

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Daily Schedule - Create Custom View

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Daily Schedule - Create Custom View

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If you would like your Daily Schedule to show in a more custom way (who is available when you click on a shift you want filled).


For example:


In order of seniority.

Showing what schedule rules are being violated for those who are not available.

Showing which employees are not available (Only useable if your facility is using Employee Availability).


To keep your custom setup, the saved setting will be in place the next time you log in by ticking ON the Keep Sorting Level Index option.


Click on the Options icon to open the Schedule Options window.


DSH - Option icon toolbar


On the General tab click on the Keep Sorting Level index.


DSH - Keep sort levels


Use the Sorting Levels option shown below circled in green.

You will notice with this setup, an unfilled PSW shift is selected (red left) and on the right you will see ONLY PSW’s and their availability comments.


DSH - Sorting example


To customize this, under the Sorting Levels drop-down, select Custom. When the pop-up window appears (screen shot below) you are able to set your selections and save them by clicking Submit.


Note: The Daily Schedule Custom setup, does not provide warnings for violations except the ones visible on the Availability column based on the Custom rules you set up to validate.


-DSH - Custom Sorting template



Call in Rules Sorting Options


No Validation

Select the No Validation option on the Sorting Level drop-down list. It is hard coded to sort by employee name without any calculations for seniority, availability, wizard rules, etc. 

The Availability column will be populated with the employee's personal availability in the form of M A E N.

Columns like Seniority, Sched Hours, Shift Hours, Calls Count, Book Sel. Seq. do not calculate and are left blank or show value 0.


The Availability column header changes when the No Validation is selected. It will read: Empl. Availability. For all other levels it will read: Rule Validation.



Custom Sorts

Another way to view your Daily Schedule is by using your Call In / Sorting Levels and select the desired level from the drop-down Sorting Level menu.

For example, if we are looking to fill the shift below (on the left side of the screen). On the right side of the page, we will select level 110 - PT / Student from our Sorting Levels (Call in Rules) drop-down menu.

By selecting the specific Sorting Level, the system will follow the reconfigured rules for that level.  As we can see from the screen shot, Ancor Jeff is the employee that should be called in to cover the unfilled shift.


DSH - Student sort


Seniority By

If you prefer to see your Daily Schedule sorted by a specific type of Seniority, while in the Custom pop-up window, select from the various Seniority options listed in the Seniority By drop-down menu.

When choosing Seniority By on the screen below, you have to reset the Call in Rules box to be blank. You need one or the other but not both.


DSH - Seniority By dropdown



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