
Absenteeism Wizard

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Absenteeism Wizard

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Absenteeism Wizard

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The Scheduling Wizard was designed to provide users with a quick and easy way to make on demand scheduling changes with limited mouse clicks. The Wizard was designed with the ability to enter absenteeism and show unfilled shifts along with the ability to enter shift exchanges and view postponed call responses.


Rules for the Wizard must be defined prior to its use. These rules define the levels of sorting that will be used when calling employees in, i.e., part-time, and casual before full-time, along with other schedule validation criteria, i.e. consecutive shifts worked, etc.


The Wizard will follow the same rules for availability as the Active or Daily Schedule in that an employee’s department and class must match the shift they are being called in for. Also, if you use availability, they must be available for the shift being filled.

To access:


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Wizard menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Wizard


On the Wizard menu, click on the Absenteeism header.


WZH - main screen


The Employee Panel will be opened.


Click on the employee to highlight and click Apply at the bottom of the screen.


WZH - Employee panel


The selected employee's name will appear at the top of your screen.

The employee's schedule is displayed.


You may tick Show Schedules to confirm the employee's schedule for the day he will be absent.

Tommy Jones is scheduled on the 14th, the day he indicated he will be absent.


WZH - Absenteeism detail screen


Hover on the Day Code (16-20) and the details of the shift will become visible.


Follow steps 1-5 (as applicable).


1.Select Attendance Code from the drop-down list. This employee is going to take a SICK day.


WZH - Select Attendance code


2.Select the hours of absence. If the day is schedule and the employee wants the full day off, you do not need to specify hours. Select Full Day in this case and the full length of the shift will be unbooked. The Time Bank will be reduced by the same amount if applicable. To use the Partial Day or Hours options, please see the Employee Time Off Request section.


WZH - Select Hours


3.Enter a payout amount if applicable.


prod_tip         Configuration Tip

Please note that configuration is required to use banks that use time and dollars. Please do not use the payout option unless it has been configured in advance. Please see our Client Care Team for further information.

4.Enter a comment (optional).

5.Select the date(s) of absence by clicking on it (12th). Please see Employee Time Off Requests for information on selecting multiple dates or a block of dates (scheduled and unscheduled).


WZH - Select Date


6. Click Save. A confirmation menu will appear, with validation errors in some cases.

If the employee is not eligible for this Time Bank (if applicable) you will see the following message:



WZH - confirmation Cannot be processed


You must select an alternate code.

If the employee does not have enough time in their bank to accommodate the Time entered for the Attendance Code, and if an Unpaid code is assigned to the Paid code, you will see the following message asking if you want to convert the excess to the unpaid alternative.

WZH - confirmation bank warning


If you want to proceed with Paid/Unpaid time you must click Apply anyway at the bottom right of the confirmation screen.

WZH - Apply anway option

If there are no validation errors, you will click Apply anyway. The Absenteeism Wizard is now complete, and the request processed. You will be returned to the main Wizard menu.


The Attendance Code SICK will now appear on the employee's schedules, Time Card and Attendance menus. See employee's Active Schedule below.


WZH - Abs. AC on active schedule



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