Employee Shift Give Away

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Employee Shift Give Away

If your facility's policies allow it, an employee may give away a shift to another employee instead of exchanging it. The Shift Give Away feature is part of the Shift Exchange function.    


Select the Requests menu.

Select the Shift Exchange Requests menu.


ESSSEH - Request Shift Exchange


Click on the Actions icon and select New Request.


ESSSEH - Shift Exchange main screen


A window displaying your Active Schedule will appear. Use the Date window to select the date to start viewing your Active Schedule from. You may select how far out to view the Active Schedule, by choosing 1, 2, 4 weeks etc.,or Calendar.


Click on the shift you would like to give away. The shift will become highlighted in blue.

Click Apply.


ESSSEH - Active Schedule select date


The shift you wish to give away is now on the right-side panel.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select Give away Shift.


ESSSEH - Give away option


Click on the button beside Acceptor. The system will provide a list of employees who are available to take the shift.


ESSSEH - Give away acceptor button

From this list you may select the employee by clicking in the check box and selecting Submit.

ESSSEH - Select employee view

The selected employee will appear on the right side on the request panel.


Click Apply.


ESSSEH - selected Acceptor


The shift give away is not complete until the requested employee accepts the exchange.


SSEH - Request waiting acceptor to accept


Accepting a Shift Give Away


When acceptors log into the system, they will see an Unread Request on the Welcome Shift Exchange widget which includes Shift Give Away notifications.


Click the 1 to go to the Shift Exchange Requests menu. Click on the request to highlight it.


ESSSEH - EE Widget


Alternately select:



Shift Exchange Requests




Select Accept or Deny (on the right panel).

Click on Apply.


The Acceptor may enter a comment on the Comment Line.nIf the system is configured with manager approval required, then the accepted request will go to the manager for approval. (see below). If the system is configured for auto approval the Give Away shift will appear on the Acceptor's Active Schedule immediately after accepting.



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