Quick Access Links

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Quick Access Links

Within the system there are buttons and links that provide quick access to the configuration menus, such as Time Banks, Schedule Rules, Day Codes, etc.


White Button


White Show me buttons are located on the left side of some system menus such as Class and Department to enable you to drill down to the configuration component of these menus. Depending on your security access, clicking on the white button (shown below) or the purple link will open a view-only or editable configuration window.


In the example below we are going to open the quick access link to the Labour Class setup from the employe class menu. Hover over the button with your cursor.


POPH - White button


Click when the Show me hint appears.


POPH - Show me


The Labour Class setup window opens for you to view.




Purple Links

Hover over the purple link until the cursor becomes a hand and a line appears under the link. Click on the link.


POPH - Rule link


This will open the rule configuration menu:


POPH - Purple popup



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