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html5 General release 26.50



Quick Access Links to Setup

Throughout the system Quick Access links are provided for such elements as Day Codes, Labour Class and Schedule Rules.

C11.a.8 Quick Access Links



Daily Staffing Report - Day Code option        

The Daily Staffing Report now includes Day Code as an option in the Columns list.


Removing employee from Master Schedule line & Employee Personnel Profile    

When removing an employee from either a Master Schedule line or the Employee Profile Shift and Schedule, the system will now provide a new Alteration screen to update the employee’s Active Schedule and the Daily.

C6.2 - Personnel - Personal Info Details See section Shifts and Schedules

Adding & Editing Employees See section Schedule Lines Changes



Deleted shifts from the Master - updated the Daily   

This feature allows the user to remove unfilled shifts from Daily after deleting the shift from a Master Line using either the UNBOOK or DELETE options.

Master Schedule Shifts See section Unbooking or Deleting Master Schedule Shifts



Mass Messaging Lite – Select Specific Employees

Mass Messaging Lite now allows messages to be sent to specific employees.

Master Messaging Lite See section Employees




Time Off Requests – Multiple partial day requests for the same day

The user/employee can now submit multiple TOR for the same day if they are using Partial Day requests and different Attendance codes. Once approved, the Attendance Codes will be displayed on the Time Card and the employee’s Active Schedule. Please note that If the user is using Full Day, there can only be one request per day.



Mass Messaging Dispatch – Hide Empty Levels

A feature has been added to allow users to hide the call-in levels that do not have employees available for on the Dispatch screen.

This can be configured to default ON from the Mess Massaging Configuration window.

Mass Messaging See section Mass Messaging Main Menu / Toolbar Options




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