Time Banks

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Time Banks

Time banks allow employees to store time credited to them for different reasons and at varying intervals, to be used as time off in the future. Time may be banked, for example, if overtime is worked and not paid out immediately. Time banks may also be used to accrue vacation time, sick time, or any other type of time. Banked time will vary in quantity accrued and used by employees, according to seniority and labour rules.


Once Time Banks are assigned to employees, very little maintenance is required i.e., earned time is accrued via the updating process and balances are reduced automatically when employees are given time against a code that is associated with the bank.  


However, there are times when banks may require manual intervention, for example, adding a bank to a new hire or an employee is grandfathered in and their bank entitlement does not fit any of the defined rules.


When these types of instances occur the Time Banks and their totals may be manually edited.


tog_minusTime Bank Maintenance
tog_minusAdding a New Time Bank


See Also:

Personnel/Human Resources

Rates & Class

Time Banks - Employee Self Service

Time Bank Configuration

Time Bank Liability