Time Bank Liability

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Time Bank Liability

Time bank liability is the total amount you owe the employee as displayed in the bank.

Personnel Time Banks - Employee Liability


Employee time bank liabilities are tracked in the Liability tab of each bank. To view the dollar and hour liability for employee banks:


Select the Personnel menu.

Select Time Banks.


From the list of the banks, select the one you would like to view.


TBH - personnel Time Banks


The General Tab provides the values for Carry Over, Earned, Taken and the Balance. In the image below, the values are shown in hours. You may select the option Show in Days to see the values in days if the option is available.


TBH - EE balance


To see the dollar and / or hours liability values, click on the Liability tab. Here you will see any hours dollar values remaining.


TBH - EE TB liability


The total liability dollars is, hours * regular rate, and dollars as dollars.


Time Bank Liability Report


For report tool bar functions see Reports Functions Overview


Using selected columns for reporting, this report will provide a detailed break down of the employee’s Time Banks and can include items such as Earned Time, Taken Time, Balance, Residual, Liability ($) etc. for each bank. Use the OESA / Expanded Form in the Bank section to print OESA details.


Bank - Total Liability  Report


Navigate to Reports / Time Bank reports.


TBH - Apply Date


To see an employee's banks total liability, use the report settings below.


TBH - all bank liability


Sample report:

TBH - all bank liability rpt