
Shift Exchange by the Manager

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Shift Exchange by the Manager

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Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Active menu.


ASH - Navigate Schedules Actve


The Active Schedule screen will appear based on your configuration (filter, grouping etc.):


ASH - active sch screen



To exchange a shift on behalf of employees, managers will follow these steps:


Click on the two shifts you would like to exchange by clicking on the first shift and holding down ctrl on your keyboard when clicking on the second shift.


ASH - selecting shifts  to exchange


Click on the Actions icon and select Shift Exchange.


ASH - Action list Shift Exchange


On the Shift Exchange window you may untick the rule options to override if necessary.


ASH - shift exchange window


Verify that the employees and dates you selected are correct.

Select the Requestor, if required. The first employee on the schedule will appear as the Requestor. In our example Brian Mellon is the Requestor.

If necessary and if permitted by your security access restrictions, untick the option(s) on the left to override the Shift Exchange rules which were configured for your facility.

If unchecked the Include in OT Restrictions means that the hours gained by the exchange will NOT contribute towards overtime.


Click Submit.


After the screen is refreshed you will see the shifts exchanged.


ASH - exchanged shifts on active


The Shift Exchange will now appear on the schedule displaying the unique colour configured for Shift Exchanges, as well as the Shift Exchanges icons. At any time on the Active Schedule, hover over any Shift Exchange icon to see the details of each exchange.


ASH - shift exchange icon hint



See Also:

The Active Schedule


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