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The StaffScheduleCare system has both an import and export feature. In both cases the StaffScheduleCare support team must submit a internal request to create the client specific import or export.


To import employee data, use the Employee Import. For payroll data, use the Payroll Import . The export feature is for all data within the StaffScheduleCare database.


Create an Employee Punch Export File


To access Export:


Select the Payroll Tools menu.

Select Export.




The following Export menu will appear:


EXH - Export main screen


The export routine has two options for exporting the punch file:

1.Via an FTP Account

2.Via a Proxy Server


Once you have determined which method you will use, complete the appropriate section. In this example we have used an FTP Account and completed the appropriate fields: Server, Port, User Name and Password.


EXH - FTP setup


The date section allows you to select a defined period (Current Day, Current Month etc.) or a specific User Defined time period (by entering the Start Date and End Date).


EXH - select date section


Configure the Options for the export, which include:


The Export ID.

The Export File Name (user definable). We have entered ExportFile.csv.

Tick Copy Export File to FTP.

Tick Email Export File (optional).


EXH - Options section


Report Options


Next, we define the additional Options of the export report.


Click on the Options icon.


EXH - Toolbar Options icon


Populate the options you would like for the report.


EXH - Export General tab


Preview As - is defaulted to Special for this custom export.

Send Email As - If you are emailing the export file you can choose your format, i.e., PDF.

Email Address - tick and enter in the email of the person to receive it.

Email Subject - enter in what you would the subject line to read. e.g., Punch Export File.

Report Title - enter in the title for the report.

Give a report a user definable Report Title, i.e., Employee Punches.

Click Apply to add these features to the export routine.


Saving the Report


Finally, we need to save our choices by clicking on the Save icon as follows:


EXH - Save icon


Add a Description, i.e., Employee Punches.

We flagged this process As Default process, which means if there was more than one process saved these configurations will always appear on screen when we enter the export menu.

If flagged As Shared, it means that anyone with access to this process can use these saved settings.


EXH - Save report settings


Processing the Export


Launch the Export menu.

Select your saved file.

Select the date(s) for processing.

Click the Process icon


EXH - process icon


Click Yes to the Continue with Operation message.


EXH - continue with operation


The file will export to the FTP site.


Choose Open or Save as follows:





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