The Daily Schedule

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The Daily Schedule

The schedules are used to maintain the daily and weekly complement of shifts needed in your facility. The Master Schedule consists of lines created and assigned to the employees, which in turn are used to populate the Active and Daily schedules.


The Daily Schedule should be used for temporary, day to day changes only. Permanent changes should be made to the employee's Master Schedule line.


If Employee Self Service is activated, allowing employees to log in and view their schedules, managers have the ability to restrict how far out (by date) the schedules are visible.


tipbulbDaily Schedule Links

Daily Schedule Setting & Options

Modifying Shifts on the Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule Attendance Grid

Daily Schedule Custom Call-in View



prod_tip         Configuration Tip

Please see Daily Schedule Options for information on keeping most recent date selection.


To access the Daily Schedule:


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Daily menu.


ASH - Navigate to Daily Schedule


The Daily Schedule will appear:


DSH - main screen


The Daily Schedule employee list for call ins will appear to the right.


DSH - Call In List


See Also: Filling Shifts Using the Daily Schedule


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