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html5 – GENERAL RELEASE 27.15



Auto Close Actions List Processing Window    

On the Time Card, the Action List window now closes automatically if there are no errors to be reviewed.
This applies to options: Current Employee, Selected Employees, and Employee List.

If there is at least one red X error, the window remains open and displays the error(s) for the user.



Employee Time Off Request - View Time Bank icon always enabled.

The Time Bank icon located on the employee’s Request Time Off tool bar is now always enabled.

Employees may click on the icon at any time to view their times. A request no longer needs to be in focus to view banks.

C7.b.3 - ESS - Time Off Requests See section View Banked Time.

C7.a.9 - Time Off Requests OESA



Mass Messaging Text Permission

Employees must now Opted In to receive Mass Messaging text messages. They are also given the choice to Opted out.

This managed under the Personnel / Personal Information / Notification - Mass Messaging.

C6.2 - Personnel - Personal Info Details / Massage Messaging – Opt Out.  See Notification section.



Surge Learning - Multiple Surge Databases

SSC can be configured to allow a client to download to a maximum of three different Surge Learning databases.

Using the Facility code, employees will be downloaded to the appropriate Surge database based on the Facility code they are assigned.

Contact the SSC Client Care Team to implement.



Mass Messaging – Invalid Call Response Warning

If an employee responds to a Mass Messaging text with anything other than one of the two expected responses the system will send a text Invalid response with the incorrect response displayed.

This will continue until the employee enters a correct response.

C3.g.4 - Mass Messaging - Multi Texting / Invalid Response See Invalid Response.



Tracking Lists Configuration

Allows you to set up additional areas of tracking by setting up lists of anything specific to your facility and then assigning them to employees.

C6.2 - Personnel - Personal Info Details  See UDF Fields and Tracking List section.



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Task Scheduler - Blank screen if Report Details was opened before navigating to Task Scheduler.