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html5 General release 27.03



Mass Messaging - Double Opt-in feature

The process for employees to receive Mass Messaging text messages has been improved to a double Opt-in process.

The employees will be required to acknowledging they agree to receive texts in the software and through a text message.

C6.2 Notification - Permission See section on Mass Messaging Tab - Notification / Permission.            



Shift within a Mass Messaging Broadcast

If a manager tries to either delete a shift from the Daily or run an Update from Master and the shift is in a Mass Messaging broadcast the system will provide a warning.              

C3.a.16 Modify Daily Schedule See section on Deleting Shift

C3.a.10 - Active - Updating from Master Schedule



Widget Status Colours

The Welcome Widgets headers will change colour based on their status. If there are actionable items the widget will display red, otherwise, the widgets will be blue.



Employee Detail Report – Add Physician Info to Additional Fields

The Employee Detail Report's Additional Fields drop-down list now includes the options for Physician information. This includes Physician name and cell / work phone numbers.



OESA - Deferred Attendance Codes                      

Both Day and Week OESA Time Off Requests can now use a Deferred Debit Attendance Code. The Attendance Code(s) will be on the employee's schedule and Time Card, but not deducted from the Time Bank until the Deferred Debit process is run. Once the Deferred Attendance Code is processed and no longer deferred, then the hours and dollars will be deducted from the Time Bank.

C7.a.7 - MSS - Managing Time Off Request - OESA  See section on Deferred Debit



Report – Preview Text Option

The Preview as Text option has been removed from the preview drop-down list; however, a text file can be created by setting the Report Options / General / Preview to Text.

C11.a.9 Reports Functions Overview  See section Detail Options / General Tab



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