OESA Time Bank

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OESA Time Bank

Employers in Ontario, Canada may use the Ontario Employment Standard Act (OESA) as a guideline for vacation entitlement (time) with dollars earned. Employees may be required to take vacation time in full week blocks before they may request individual vacation days. The OESA vacation bank entitlement (time in weeks / days) is updated once per year.


The typical OESA vacation is calculated by taking an accumulation of the employee's previous year's vacation pay (dollars) earned (4%, 6%, 8% etc.), the current entitlement (time) in weeks, to create a unique vacation rate by week and by day. For example, if an employee earned $2000.00 the previous year and is currently entitled to four weeks of vacation, this employee will have a weekly vacation rate of $500 ($2000 / 4 weeks), and a daily rate of $100 ($500 / 5, using a 5-day work week configuration).


In StaffScheduleCare employee time banks and time off requests may be configured to meet the OESA guidelines.


OESAH - OESA Time Bank main screen


tog_minusOESA System Configuration
tog_minusOESA Time Bank Configuration
tog_minusOESA Accrual Rules

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