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The Labour Class unit configuration tells the system how to move an employee up the wage grid.
Along with a multiple of other options, tracking Worked Tours or Worked Shifts can also be used. Based on the number of Tours or Shifts an employee works will move them up the wage grid in real time.
Based on the number of tours an employee has can be used to move them up the wage grid and for seniority. A Tour is defined by the number of worked hours to complete one tour. The number of hours required is call a Tour Length.
Tour length can be defined at a globe level or the employee level. ▪Tours lengths that are defined on the Day Code level are the global level. ▪Tour length defined on the employee's Seniority / Standard level will override the Day Code global level.
When you calculate Tours, it always rounds to the lowest as an example 19.75 will be rounded to 19.
To have the Tours field display on the Personal / Seniority Standard menu it must be enabled on the Company Profile. ▪Select the Config menu. ▪Select the Setup menu. ▪Select Company Profile. ▪Select Seniority. ▪Select Visibility Setup.
Tick on the Show Tours option.
Day Code Tour Setup
The Tour length for each Day Code needs to setup. This sets the number of hours to be worked for this Day Code to get one (1) tour of seniority.
To enter a Day Code tour length: ▪Select the Config menu. ▪Select the Setup menu. ▪Select Day Code Setup.
.Enter the number of worked hours this Day Code will credit towards a Tour.
Personal / Seniority Tour Setup
An individual employee Tour length can be setup. This will override the Tour Length defined on the Day Code. ▪Select the Personal menu. ▪Select the Seniority menu. ▪Select Standard.
Enter the tour length in the field Tour Length. This is the number of worked hours to complete one (1) tour. The yellow highlighted labeled Tours(s) area is used to enter the initial historical amount if any applies to this employee.
Labour Class Wage Grid - Tours
A Labour Class can be configured to move up the wage grid using Tours. The tracking of Tours is done in real time and will move employees up the wage grid if necessary, even before you update seniority.
To configure: ▪Select the Config menu. ▪Select the Setup menu. ▪Select Labour Class.
In the Rules section, click on the Units drop-down and select Worked Tours. Set the required wage grid levels. In the example below the levels have been set to move up after one tour intervals.
On the Time Card we can see that after completing one tour (9 hours) this employee has moved up the wage grid.
Example of employee personal override
We will use a new employee who does not have any seniority values.
We set the Day Code Tours with Tour Length to 9 hours.
For this example, we left the employee's Personal Tour Length at zero.
The employee worked one 9-hour shift with Day Code Tours. This would earn one tour unit. On the employee's Seniority / Standard menu we have select the Current option to see the tour count. We can see the Tour(s) field is showing a value of one (1).
We changed the Tour Length to three (3) on the employee's seniority. Now we see the Tour(s) field is showing three (3).
The Day Code tour length was 9.00, however, by setting the employee tour length to three (3) the employee has three tours.
The Labour Class configuration tells the system how to move an employee up the wage grid. The Labour Class can be setup to move an employee up the wage grid based on how many shifts they have worked.
An employee can be assigned to either a Shift Rotation or a Master Schedule line, as long as they are assigned the Labour Class that has the Units setup as Worked Shifts, their shifts will be counted.
To show the number of Shifts on the Seniority / Standard menu, the Show Shifts field must be ticked on in the Company Profile.
▪Select the Setup menu. ▪Select Company Profile. ▪Select Seniority. ▪Select Visibility Setup
Tick on the Show Shifts option.
Labour Class Wage Grid - Shifts
A Labour Class can be configured to move employees up the wage grid using Worked Shifts. Tracking Shifts is done in real time and will move employees up the grid, if necessary, even before you update seniority.
Setup: ▪Select the Config menu. ▪Select the Setup menu. ▪Select Labour Class.
In the Rules section, click on the Units drop-down and select Worked Shifts. In the bottom section, enter the required levels and rates.
In our example we have set the wage grid so that every time an employee works a shift they will move up the grid.
A shift will still be counted regardless of how the hours are entered.
In the example below: ▪June 1 and June 2 had punches. ▪June 3 the manager entered the eight (8) hours into the Regular field. ▪June 4 (Day Code was a DAYOFF) the manager entered the eight (8) hours into the Regular field.
Each time the employee worked a shift we can see that their rate moved up a level.
On the employee’s Current Seniority screen, we see that all four shifts are counted.
Restrict a Day Code from Counting as a Shift If a Day Code (shift) should not be counted as a shift, or if there is a minimum number of hours a shift needs to be, on the Day Code the Minimum Day Time field can be setup.
In this example we have set the Minimum Day Time to four (4) hours. This shift will not count as a shift unless the employee works more than four (4) hours.
On the employee’s Time Card we can see the employee worked four shifts. This shift with the four (4) hour restriction was not counted as a shift. The employee did not move up the wage grid.
Their seniority shows they only worked three shifts. The restricted shift was not counted since the employee only worked two hours and the minimum was set to four hours.
In this example, the employee worked the restricted shift, but their punches totaled five (5) hours. This exceeded the 4 hours minimum. The system counted this as a shift and moved the employee up the wage grid.
The Seniority / Current / Shifts count has now increased to four. The Time Card shows five shifts, however, the two hour shift worked on June 3 has not been counted.