
Postponed Wizard

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Postponed Wizard

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While calling employees to fill shifts it may be necessary to leave a message for them to call back, or they may need to get back to you about Availability. Both responses put employees into a Postponed state.  When employees do call back, you can access their records via the Postponed Wizard.


Access the Wizard:


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Wizard menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Wizard


On the Wizard menu, click on the Postponed header.


WZH - main screen


The following menu will appear:


WZH  - Postponed main screen


Select your Postponed date range using the Date From and Date To calendars.

Select the Display as option, either by the day you are trying to schedule (Schedule Date), or by the day you made the calls (Date Called).

The Postponed employees will appear.


WZH - PP set screen display


Click on the Details icon R5WizP4 to display the shift information.

Click again on the Details icon close the window.


WZH - PP detail button


Employee Alice Benett is unable to cover the shift.


Tick the Decline box to register her response.

Click Save.


WZH - PP declined shift


Derrick Arnew would like to accept the same shift.


Click anywhere on the employee's line to highlight it.

Click on the Actions icon and select Book Schedule(s).


WZH - PP - booking employee


The following request confirmation will appear:


WZH - PP - confirm booking popup


Click Yes. The employee will now be booked to the shift.


On a given day there may be many employees Postponed for multiple different shifts that the manager is trying to fill. To simplify the booking process, the system will allow you to book more than one shift at once from the Postponed list. In the example below we are selecting three employees for different unfilled shifts on the same day (notice the different Day Codes).


WZH - PP - multi booking


To book the example above, click on the Actions icon and select Book Schedule(s).



All three employees now have their shifts booked on their Active Schedules.


WZH - PP - AS post multi booking


Since all three shifts were unfilled Master Schedule lines originally, they will retain the colour configured for Master Schedule shifts.


flag_green               Key Information Please note that although the system will allow you to call and therefore postpone employees who are already booked, if you try to book them from the Postponed list, you will receive a warning message and the system will not allow you to override the warning.






Booking Employee Who Is Auto Declined


The scheduler CANNOT book auto declined employee from the Wizard Postponed. When the system auto declines an employee, the record is flagged as declined as well.

The system does not allow booking decline employee through Postponed pop-up. There is no ability to identify Level for Postponed employee.


Auto- declined employee can be booked through the Wizard as expected, since there is a setting tied to specific level where Auto-declined is checked.


If employee was auto declined the scheduler can:


1.Book employee from Wizard.

2.Book employee from Daily Schedule.

3.Book employee on Active Schedule.



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