
Active Staff Requirements

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Active Staff Requirements

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The Active Schedule Requirements provides a look at the complements for a selected time-period. Using this screen, the scheduler can book or unbook employees.

You may configure the screen to use either the Master Schedule (would ensure all lines have been filled) or the Active Schedule (Ensure required complements have been met).

The system allows for the complements to be based on the Master Schedule by default, however, to system can be configured to use the Active Schedule.

The Census complements can also be utilized. With the Census turned on the system will default to Census instead of the Master Schedule.



Active Schedule Requirement Screen


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Active Staff Requirements menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Schedules Active Staff Requirements


This will open the Active Staff Requirements screen.


ASRH - Active Staff Req. main screen



Navigate to the Active Staff tab. Tick on the Based on Active Schedule box.

The colours used to display the three requirement levels can be selected on this screen.


STRH - Based on AS


Use the Date/Calendar field to select the start date for viewing schedules. The arrows will move the start date ahead or back based on the Week option.

The Week option determines how far out the view the schedule will be.


ASRH - date window



Group by Levels

Group by Levels is used to define the sorting levels used to a maximum of four levels.

In the example below, the Group by Levels are set to 2. Group 1 (first level) is set to Department. Group 2 sets the 2nd level, set to Class, within the first level.

The Grouping is now done by Department and then by Class.

Click on the Group icon.

Click in the Group by Levels field and the number of levels you would like to display.

Click on the drop-down arrow of each group and select the complement you would like to use.

Click Apply when done.


ASRH - Grouping



If a grouping level has shifts without the grouping level populated – system should those shifts as Undefined.

In this example the grouping levels are by Department and Task. In Department 13 there are shifts without a task assigned. The system shows these as Undefined.


ASRH - undefined


The system will display the shift count as the Required number and what is booked on the Active Schedule or Master Schedule (as configured) as Actual number.

Shifts in red are under staffed

Shifts in green are meet the staffing requirement

Shifts in Purple are over staffed


You may modify these levels to other colours under the Options / Active Staff tab.


ASRH - show under over ok



Adjusting Schedules


Booking Underage


The Active Staffing will validate all scheduling rules when booking to the Active Schedule as done on the Daily Schedule.


Filling the required staffing can be done from this screen.

Click on the shift to highlight it blue. This would be an under-booked shift.

Click on the Actions icon and select Book Schedule.

Click on Book Schedule(s).


ASRH - Action book sched


This will bring up the Employee Panel window.

Use the filter option to show only employees who are in the department and/or class you are trying to fill the shift for.


ASRH - EE filter


Click in the check box beside the employee's name to select.

You may double click on the employee or click Apply to make the selection.


ASRH - Select ee to book



The Actual amount has now increased by one.


ASRH - show booked ee and actual chgd


The shift is now on the employee's Active Schedule. The Hand icon indicates the shift was manually added.

Using the Active Staff Requirements does not notify the employee. It is up to the employees to check their schedules.


ASRH - AS showing ee booked




Selecting Multiple Shifts for Booking Option Only


To select individual shifts – use the Ctrl key

User holds down the Ctrl key then click on the individual shifts.


ASRH - Crtl to select individual shifts



To select shifts in sequence – use the Shift key.

User holds the Shift key and clicks the first shift and drag to the last shift.


ASRH  - Shift to select multiple shifts in row




Unbooking Overage


Unbooking over booked staff can be done from this screen.

In the example below the shift only requires 3 but 4 are book. Eric Winters will be unbooked.


Click on the shift to highlight it.

Click on the Actions icon and select Unbook Schedule(s).


ASRH - Unbook Overage


On the Unbook Schedule(s) window select the employee(s) to be unbooked by clicking in the check box beside their name.

Click Submit.


ASRH - Unbook employee window


Employee Eric Winters has now been removed and the Actual amount reduced by one. The schedule is now green.


ASRH - Employee unbooked





Modify Existing Shifts


Click on the day you would like to modify.

Click on the Actions icon and selected the Modify Schedule(s) option.


ASRH - modify sched option


You can edit the fields by doubling clicking in the field or by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list as shown.


SRH - Modify shift window dropdrown




Add a new shift


To add a new shift, you can use the Modify Schedule(s) options.

Click on a shift and select the Modify Schedule(s) from the Actions drop-down list.


In the Selected Schedules window, click on the Plus icon to add or the Clone icon to copy the shift in focus.

Using the Clone option will create a new line for the employee who is on the cloned line.


The new line will appear at the bottom of the grid.


ASRH - Selected Sched plus line


Click on the Employee icon to open the Employee Panel and select the employee to book into the shift. Use the X icon to delete a selected employee.


ASRH - add employee to new shift icon


Populate the details for the shift. You may select any date, department, class, position etc.

In our example the new shift is a new complement. We are creating a new shift for the class APSW for September 28, 2021.


Click Save when completed.


ASRH - populated new shift


If the new shift is part of a complement that didn't exist previously, you must leave Active Staff Requirement and return before the complement option appears on the list on the left.


Our new shift is now showing on September 28.


ASRH - New complement




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