
Master Schedule Smoothing

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Master Schedule Smoothing

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Master Schedule Smoothing

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Smoothing is set up in an employee’s Master Schedule using Attendance Codes to top up their hours to a set number of hours in each pay cycle. Hours can be banked or taken to balance paid hours within a pay cycle, so the pay periods are always equal.


Setup Considerations:

Check if the smoothing hours added to a pay cycle should be included in regular to count towards the overtime threshold.

If the client's payroll supports negative values, then use the three codes. If it does not, then they will have to adjust the hours manually using two codes (Taken and Earned codes) to simplify the process.

The paid code should be added to the payroll file.



Smoothing Process


Topping up Hours

When it’s time to top up an employee’s pay, you should always see the SMT (Smoothing Taken) code along with the SMP (Smoothing Paid) code.


MSH - Smoothing time card



Banking Hours

When it’s time to bank an employee’s hours, you should always see the SME (Smoothing Earned) code along with the SMP (Smoothing Paid) code.

In this case the SMP code will be a negative to remove the hours from being paid to the employee. The -3.50 hours shown in the Paid column is the removed hours.


MSH - Smoothing earned





Attendance Codes - Setup


Select the Config menu.

Select the Setup menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Config Setup


Select Attendance Codes


HTML5 - Navigate Attendance Codes

To add and deduct hours from the Smoothing Bank and pay the employee, three Attendance Codes need to be setup.


flag_green       Key Information    

Based on the client's setup the SMP (hours paid) code could also be turned on for Gross Wage and contribute to Seniority.



1. Smoothing Earned - Add Hours to bank

In our example we are using SME (Smoothing Earn).

This code will add hours to the Time Bank.


Attendance Code Setup Options:

Show on Master, Show on Time Card and Show on Schedule



2. Smoothing taken - Deduct Hours From Bank

In our example we are using SMT (Smoothing Taken).

This code will deduct hours from the Time Bank to top up the employee's pay.


Attendance Code Setup Options:

Show on Master, Show on Time Card and Show on Schedule



3. Smoothing Paid - Pay Employee Hours

In our example we are using SMP (Smoothing Paid).

This code will do both Add paid hours to the under hours pay cycle and Deduct paid hours from the over pay cycle.


Attendance code Setup Options:

Class Rate, Show on Master, Paid, Rate Type Regular, Show on Schedule and Show on Time Card.





Smoothing Bank

Create a Time Bank to track the extra hours earned and deduct when hours are taken.

Select the Config menu.

Select the Setup menu.


HTML5 - Navigate Config Setup


Select Time Banks.


HTML5 - Navigate Time Banks


To add a new bank, click on the Plus icon. In our example we added the SMOOTHING bank.

Under the Attendance Code section add both the Earning code (SME) and Deduction code (SMT).

Select the option Allow Negative Hours.


MSH - Smoothing Time Bank




Assigning the Smoothing Bank


Assign the smoothing bank to those employees who will be assigned to Master lines with smoothing.


On the employee's Personnel select Time Bank.

In the Time Bank panel, click on the Plus icon.


From the list of Time Banks select the smoothing bank.


MSH - Add smoothing bank


Confirm that the Allow Negative Hours options ticked on.


MSH - Smoothing bank allow negative





Add Attendance Codes to Master Schedule


Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Master menu.

HTML5 - Navigate - Schedules Master



Click on the Master line that the Attendance Codes are to be added to. In this example the line is SMOOTHING.

Click on the Attendance tab.

Click on the Plus icon.


MSH - Add Smoothing AC


The week default is 1, click on the number to enter the correct week number.

To select the day, click on the Day field and select the week day from the drop-down list.


MSH - Add AC week day


Click in the Attendance field and select the Smoothing Attendance Code from the drop-down list.


MSH - smoothing AC dropdown


Enter the amounts of time the Earn or Deduct codes as positive. The Time Bank rules will determine plus or minus for the Attendance Code. A negative number is entered only for deducting the paid hours amount on the Time Card when the employee earns hours to bank.


This example shows the Smoothing Attendance Codes for topping up the employee.

The SMP code will pay extra 3.50 hours and the SMT code will deduct 3.50 hours from the smoothing bank.

All numbers are positive.


MSH - Taken setup


This example shows the Smoothing Attendance Codes for banking the hours.

The SMP code will deduct the 3.50 hours so they are unpaid in this pay and the SME code will add the 3.50 hours to the smoothing bank.

The unpaid hours are negative, so the employee is not paid for them.


MSH - Smoothing Earned setup



The smoothing Attendance Codes are now showing on the Master Schedule as shown below on the Schedule tab.


MSH - Smoothing AC on master schedule


In order to ensure your employees, have their 75 hours, you can use the Time-Earnings Report to do a quick audit of your employees' Total Hours.




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