Employee Availability - Employee

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Employee Availability - Employee

Availability Overview & General Information


General Information


Employee Availability is used to define which shifts an employee can work. Employee availability requests may be made by the employee or by the manager on the employee's behalf.


Availability may be configured in the following ways:


1.Availability by Date

2.Availability by Week

3.Default Availability


Employees can submit their availability either through the employee self service or the mobile app.

Approving availability is an optional manager feature. If availability is not configured to require approval, the availability changes made by the employee will take immediate effect. If manager approval is required, changes to employee availability must be approved before they will take effect.

When defining Availability by Date or Availability by Week, employees or managers may apply different availability to each day of the week, i.e., a combination of Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night (MAEN) shifts.



Availability Order of Priority


Where more than one type of availability is used, the order of priority of availability is as follows:


1.Default Availability is the lowest priority

2.Availability by Week overrides default availability

3.Availability by Date overrides Availability by Week and Default Availability.

4.Where there are multiple entries for the same date, the most recent date entry within the same type of availability takes precedence.


tog_minusAvailability by Date (Employee)
tog_minusAdding Comments to Availability Requests (Employee)
tog_minusAvailability by Date Range
tog_minusEmployee Availability by Week
tog_minusDefault Availability
tog_minusReviewing & Approving Availability