
Daily Schedule - Settings & Options

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Daily Schedule - Settings & Options

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Daily Schedule - Settings & Options

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Select the Schedules menu.

Select the Daily menu.


ASH - Navigate to Daily Schedule


Select the Options icon the top toolbar.


DSH - Options icon



The Schedule Options menu select the Daily tab.


The tabs of the Options menu contain setting options which determine the performance and visual settings for scheduling.


Daily Schedule Options

DSH - ScheduleOptions Daiy tab

Keep Selected Date

Tick this option to keep the date you last selected for the next time you enter the Daily Schedule.


Use Call in Mode

Tick this option to keep activated the Call-In menu, which will display the employee phone number(s), when calling to fill shifts. This menu allows you to track your call history e.g. left voice mail, employee declined shift etc.


Manual Refresh

User can switch between different days and shifts and the employee list does not automatically refresh. 

To refresh the Employee list – click the Manual Refresh Icon on the Employee list.

DSH - Call in list manual refresh icon


Select Call In List Location (Docked to the Right or Docked to the Top) This option allows you to select the position of the call-in list on the Daily Schedule.






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