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html5 General release 26.41



Update from Master - Filter by Dept and Class with Unfilled Lines - logic change

Include Unfilled Lines option now accommodates filtering by Department and Class.

HTML5 C2.1 Update from Master  See Filters.


Employee Class Tracking Section - Security Options

A manager/supervisor’s access to the Employee Class Tracking section can be set to No Access, View Only, Modify create, Modify or Full Access.

Please contact the StaffScheduleCare Team for assist.  



Export Hours

Provides an Excel spreadsheet output of employees' hours.

HTML5 C5.11 - Export Hours 



Validating SIN

Feature to check for existing SIN numbers in the system.

HTML5 C6.2 - Personnel -Add Edit Employees See SIN Validating section.



Removing Templates

Option to remove an employee's templates from the system when making the employee inactive.

HTML5 C6.2 - Personnel -Add Edit Employees See Deleting Employee Section.



Upload Attachments

Detailed instructions for the uploading and viewing of attachments and the Printer icon found in Human Resource modules.

HTML5 C0.9 -Attachments and Printer Icon




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