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html5 General release 26.34



Mobile App - Give Away Shift

Using the Mobile App, employees are able to give shifts away to other employees (system will validate using Shift Exchange Rules).

With the Manager's Approval on, the transaction is not complete until the manager approves the request.

This method is the same method used on the StaffScheduleCare Employee Self Service.

Enhanced Mobile- Give Away Shift



Labour Class - Override Rate Method

Use this feature to override the Rate Method setup for specific classes for this Labour Class.

HTML5 Labour Class Configuration See section on Preparing to add Rates.



Allow Overtime to be Calculated Based on another Class Rate

Allow Overtime to be calculated with 1.0 straight time, and the coefficient (like 0.5) to be based on another Class’s rate.

HTML5 Labour Class Configuration See section on Allow Overtime to be calculated based on another class.



Active Staff Requirements - Select Multiple Shifts For Booking

How to select multiple shifts when booking Underages using Ctrl+Click and Shift+click & drag.

HTML5 C2.7 - Active Staff Requirements See section on Booking Underages.