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General Release Notes Version 28.15

 Released April 14, 2023


Reports - Schedule Reports missing Group Filter Option


Found in: Reports / Schedule Reports / Schedule by Line

Reports / Schedule Reports / Schedule by Line/Employee Report

Reports / Schedule Reports / Department Master Schedule Report

Reports / Schedule Reports / Individual Master Schedule Report


The Master Line Groups Filter has been added to all four report names mentioned above.


Master Schedule - Add Filter for Groups


Found in: Schedules / Master Schedules


The Master Schedule screen now has a new secondary filter icon above Master Lines. This filter is named "Schedule Lines Filter".

When used, the view of the Master Lines will be filtered by GROUP.


NOTE: If a User removes a GROUP assignment from a Master Line, this Line will NOT be visible if any filters are applied. There is NO "unassigned" group for Lines that do not have a filter.




HR Reports - Employee Accidents - Add New Fields


Found in: HR Reports / Employee Accidents. 


The new fields added to Employee Accidents are now available on the report.


Employee Detail Report - Add Termination Date to the Selected Date Filter


Found in: HR Reports / Employee Detail Report. 


Add Termination Date to the Filter by Selected Date Range drop down list.


Report Options:



Expansion on Multi Select Codes\Columns


Found in: Reports.


The User now has two new buttons located within the Report Columns Screen. These are "Add Column" and "Add in Selected Column".

Users can multi select the Attendance Codes that they wish, and from here, be able to mass add them as New Columns (per each AC) or add all AC into the same highlight column from the Columns Section.


Users are still able to drag and drop from the AC section.

Users are NOT able to double click anymore from the AC Section. This has been replaced with the two new multi-select buttons for the AC grid. The double click is still available in other columns as defined (Premiums, Overtimes, Complements, etc.).




HR \ Accidents - new fields


Found in: Personnel / HR Information / Accidents / Details. 


New fields have been added to Employee Accidents


Details Screen:



Security Users - Show Active Only Option


Found in: Security / Security Users. There is a new option, Show Active Only.


The verbiage of the Locked and Expired options has been changed.


The Locked and Expired options can be used together. The Active option can only be used by itself.



Global - Reports - New Report - Standard Seniority Setup Report


Found in: Reports / Configurations Reports / System Rules / Standard Seniority Rules. The System Rules report now has a new selection for Standard Seniority Rules.


Report Options:




The information that this report includes can be found in Config / Setup / System Rules / Seniority.  The details match the rules that are set up. This is the rule configurations.


NOTE: This report does not display which Seniority Rules are in use. Just the configurations of the rules and what contributes.


Sample Report:




Expired bulletins now visible for 30 days


Found in: Welcome / Manage Bulletins


The Expired Bulletins will now appear on the Manage Bulletins menu. If the Expiry Date is more than 30 days in the past, they will be hidden.


The Expired Bulletins have a grey background color to quickly identify them.


Time Bank Report - New Time Bank Details Report


Found in: Reports / Time Bank Reports / Time Bank Details


This report will display the records from the Details Tab in the Personnel / Time Bank menu.

Users can select which columns to include. There is a max column limit.


Sample Report:




Added a "hide disabled levels" tick box to the Wizard/MM


Found in: Config / Setup / System Rules / Sorting Levels


There is a new checkbox for Hide Disabled Levels.

When turned on, all Disabled levels are hidden from view. The option is on by default.



Payroll Tools - Recalc Utils - Recalc Attendance Codes


Found in: Payroll Tools / Recalc Utils


When the user runs the Recalc Utils / Recalc Attendance Codes. The Dollar field is now recalculated based on the Hours and Rate.

The employee's Time Bank values are updated based on the change in rate and the new Dollar values.

The Process should only be run for short periods of time. Recommended only up to 2 weeks / one pay cycle.





New AC's no longer auto-fill the Year Start Date field with the DATE of creation.


Found in: Config / Setup / Attendance Codes


When there is a new AC added. The Year Start Date is no longer automatically filled in.

Any existing AC that has a Year Start Date will retain their date.


Mass Messaging - Tracking Limit Acknowledgements - Hard Limits


The warning of reaching the maximum warning for Mass Messaging now appears as part of the SMS Acknowledge table. It is populating on the Audit report.

For the Max Limit warning, only the first record for the month will be recorded for the entire facility.

For the threshold warnings, each user will have their own record generated.


Audit Report - Add SMSAcknowledge Info


Found in: Reports / Admin Reports / Audit Report


The Audit report now has an option for SMS Acknowledge under T&A Events.


This option will pull data from the SMSAcknowledge table. Report will display User, Date, Time and the Threshold Level they clicked on the warning.





Sample Report:



Holiday Calculation - Grouping by Worked Unit Required


Found in: Payroll / Holiday Calculation / Calculation Rules


In the Holiday Calculation there is a new option. Break by Worked Complement

The User can determine the Holiday Group that pays out, or banks the correct % of hours based on Worked Complement (Worked Unit).



Global - Reports - HR Turnover Report - New Column


Found in: Reports / HR Reports / HR Turnover Report

There is a new column added to the report when the report Unit is set to Department.

This column will track the number of employees that transferred Departments but are not new hires.


Sample Report:



Global - Time Bank Reports - Add HOURS Liability Report


Found in: Reports / Time Bank Report / Time Bank Liability Report


The User is now able to report on new columns (Liability Earned, Liability Taken, Liability Balance) under the Time Bank Report. 

This report will display the liability of the Time Bank as of 12am on the START DAY selected under the Date Selection. (IE: if you had Taken time on January 10th, your date selected should be January 11th if you wish to include this time taken into your report).


Report Settings:



Sample Report:



Global - Reports - New Hire Date Filter in Employee Detail Report


Found in: Reports / HR Reports / Employee Detail Report


The drop down is now only active if the filter checkbox is used.

The user can filter the report by the Birthday Month, or the Hire Date, Seniority Date, Seniority Date 1 or Seniority Date 2.


Hire Dates and Seniority are based on the specific dates.





Sample Report:



Shift Replacement Report - Excel Friendly Version


Found in: Reports / HR Reports / Shift Replacement Report


Report should be set to Special. Preview in Excel option should be used to generate as an Excel worksheet.


Mass Messaging - Message Limit Warnings


Found in: App.Config


Threshold warning levels can now be set in the app.config


Global - Time Banks - Grey Out Entries in "Details" when deleted


Found in: Personnel / Time Banks / Details tab.


The User now sees all deleted entries in a RED text. This helps the User to determine if a record was either Adding or Removing time from the associated Time Bank.

The text is for the Personnel screen only. Reports will not have the Details Log added in a red text as this currently does not exist.


If a User 0's out the AC on the Time Card, the text will NOT be in the RED font, as the AC is still present, just with 0 hours entered.




Global - Reports - Seniority Report Revised Print Sequence Layout


Found in: Reports / HR Reports / Seniority Report


The User is now able to generate both the Active Seniority and the Posted Seniority Report without any errors or improper Sorting positions.




What we have Completed


Active Schedule / Update From Master - Schedules are 1 Day Off

Birthday Calculation - Error Message

Seniority report - internal error

Global - Reports - Payroll Summary Report - Incorrect Premium Calculation

Time card approval refreshing issue 

Call In Tools - Add GENDER Field in Columns

Select and MultiSelect controls issue

Liability Report Dollars incorrect

UFM creating duplicates on the Daily

Lunch Report issue

Personnel - Time Bank - Attendance Tab - Delete AC Causes Freeze/Crash

Mass Messaging, Apply button behavior

Modal window issue

Audit report Time Bank Carry Over 

Accelerating Dictionaries

Replacing DataTable with DataRows

Implementing asynchronous functionality to DAL

Security Access Issue - Print Personnel displays all 

Pop-up Message control modifications

Reports - System Configuration Report / Units - Internal Exception Error

Time Card - No Scheduling Code on Hours Grid Not Saving

Wizard - Disabled Levels Causing No Employee Found

Schedule Tools - Postponed & Schedule Notifications - Move Book Schedule Button From Action List

Mass Messaging - Validate Schedule Rules for MM - Validating When it Shouldn't

Export Hours - Based on Work Schedule

Global - Mass Messaging Scheduler - Add in Validation to Scheduler Phone # Field

Modal pop-up doesn't save SIZE

Global - Web Punch - Remove Additional Options for Scanning

Employee Panel - List out of Focus for Modifying Employee Details

Global - MFA Not Validating by Device or IP

Shift Replacement Report - Missing Headers on Page 2 Onwards

Time Card Exceptions Do Not Appear As Exceptions

Filter - Filter Does Not Apply When Clicked On

Master Lines Import Tool - First Week of Vacant Line

Time Card Report. Scheduled without hours issue

Time Card - Not Calculating Hours (with Punches and Schedule Present)

Time Card double clicking issue

Ministry Staffing Report Count incorrect

Adding hours to REG column creates multiple "paid" lines 

Speed up Employee list

Export Hours - Add Columns and Adjustments

Mass Messaging Supervisor Override not working

VAC Planner Report does not show overnight shifts

Add Reports to DDFs

Reports - System Configuration Report - Premiums Report - Spelling Mistake

Offered Declined Report - New Column to Show Which Menu the Call Was Made From

AC Premium Cal issue - Generating Premium when there shouldn't be.

PWE - Refresh is doubling the hours/entry.

Shift Give Aways are not respecting the System Rule for SE & Giveaway

SSC Mobile - Mass Messaging - Shift Already Started Warning

Hide Up/Down arrows 

Time Bank - Hours to Days Conversion Error

Grids - Only First Row Loads Until User Refresh Or Interacts With Grid

Task Scheduler - Recalc Utils - Recalc Attendance Codes - Doesn't Recalc

Personnel - Time Bank Liability - Adjustment to Query

Wizard - Absenteeism - Calendar not appearing for WHOLE month. 

Global - Time Bank Update - New Process Type - Correct Earned/Taken Values

Grid displays one row only

Global - Time Bank Updates - New Checkbox and Hide Old Checkbox

Global - Personnel - New Warning when Re-Activating Employees

Task Scheduler - Processes - Process Date

Audit Report - Schedule Action and SMSAcknowledge Drop Down Behaviour 

Payroll - Hastings Manor & CM - PWE STAT Premium does not Split Properly in Payroll Export

Task Scheduler - Time Bank Update - ReportIDNotProvided Error

Education Required - Day Codes - Premiums - Holiday Day Hours Only

Global - Personnel Re-Activating Employees - Add Warning Message AND Time Bank Dates

Global - Daily Schedule - Add Radio Button for Split Shift Icon

Global - Incentives/Relaxations - Add into Active Schedule Action Icon

Global - Time Banks - Increase Factor Values to 2 decimal places

Audit Report - SMS Acknowledge - Header Verbiage

Rates functionality improvements

Mass Messaging LITE - replies are not in the clients time zone time

Global - Reports - New Report - Company Profile

Global - Reports - New Report - Clock Terminal Configurations Report

Global - Reports - New Report - Time Off Rules Configurations

Global - Reports - New Report - Overtimes and Premiums

Global - Reports - Update to Employee Skills Report

Global - Reports - New Report - Units and Tasks Configuration

Global - Reports - Update to Class Configuration Report

Global - Reports - New Report - Call-In Rules

Global - Reports - Schedule Rules Report

Global - Import Screen - Labour Class - Typo on Seniority Date #

LIEU Days - before and after

Global - Bulletins - Add Icon to Display Attachments on Welcome Dashboard

Global - Time Card Filter - Move to Time Card Options

Attendance Code Config - Prorate Option

Report - Offered Declined Report - Add Filters to Report

Personnel - HR Information - Licenses - Grid Size

Wizard - Warning - No Eligible Employees Found

Global - Time Card - New Recalculate with Function Keys to add Middle Punches

Remove alternate colors for some grids

Mass Messaging - Hard Stop Limit - Apply to Regular MM 

Global - HR Features - Central Attachments Menu - Redesign

Reports - Add Button to "SORT" Column Alphabetically

Reports - Add button to "ADD" the column or codes to the "TOTAL" Column

Reports - Multi Select Attendance Codes when creating a new column


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