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html5 General release 26.31



Welcome menu / New Profile Options

To change such options as Time Representation, Localization, Drop Down Display Configuration, Change Password and Change Theme, click on the Profile icon.

The menu options available will depend on the security access of your login. Change Password has been moved from the Dashboard Actions list to the Profile icon.

HTML5 C0.7 - Welcome Menu – Employees. See Welcome Menu Tools.

HTML5 C0.8 - Welcome Menu – Managers. See Welcome Menu Tools.

HTML5 C7.1 - ESS -Employee Self Service Overview. See Welcome Menu / Profile Options.

HTML5 C1.6E Time Card Toolbar. Time representation has been removed from Time Card Options list.



Active Schedule - Compress Employee Detail / Schedule info

Two new options found in Schedule Options / Schedule tab.

They control what information is displayed in the Employee Detail box on the left-hand side of the schedule. Show Empl Info and Hide Sched Info. These options can be ticked on or off.

User can now hide the employee info when the Show Empl Info is off. Will only see employees’ names.

HTML5 C2.0a - Active - Schedule Setting & Options


Employee Rates / Classes – FT/PT Tracking – Recalculate option

Using the Recalculate icon will recalculate the whole history for the highlighted line. Any manual modification will be replaced by new values.

HTML5 C6.4 - Personnel - Rates & Classes. See Employee Type Tracking.



Availability Report - Combined: Schedules and Personal

With this option, employees now show as available even when they have an No Scheduling Attendance Code on their schedule if Consider No Schedule AC option is turned off.

If Consider “No Schedule AC option is on, the comments for the Schedules rules appear in the comment section.

Validates the employee's Personal Availability first. If the employee had set themselves to N/A, 

if the employee is available for any combination of MAEN, then comments will appear if applicable.

See Reports Library / Schedule Reports